There are sometimes, overlooked benefits and opportunities to being a part of a small group. Many times one may look at a small gathering and wonder will they have enough resources to meet my needs, will they able to flourish and other concerns of similar nature are raised. But while one may have their eye brows raised, there is great potential even in small units.
At Hindsbury Road it becomes evident a small group can foster an environment of family where you will have persons close to you. Having persons within this circle with the right mindset can engender unity and progress in a congregation Angel Brown – COC member
Community building
A small group promotes an environment of a community. No one can hide and you are always being encouraged by person’s apparent interest and checking in on you. You are naturally moved to be like minded and a sense of family is quickly developed.
Influenced to be active
In a small group there is always room to serve in areas that promote church growth. Due to the small numbers there are openings to serve and keep your work in the Lord growing as you are engaged. Besides this you are constantly on your toes as you won’t be left out. You will feel specially cared for and attention given to you.
Networking opportunities
Because you are not lost in the big crowd you find more time to be connected with fellow brothers and sisters. During this time, you learn about what gets them driving in the day, how to overcome certain situation, where to go for certain resources and these keep you productive and ahead in this challenging world.
While we note there are some gains one can find in a small group, this is not to say we should be satisfied with remaining a small group. We are encourage to grow and mature and as we as individuals and a congregation do so, the Lord will provide the increase.